Saturday Sep 21, 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Saturday, September 21
9am - 4pm
Check-in at the Murphy Art Center in Downtown Murphy
There is no admission charge and lots of good, small- town FUN!
In Downtown Murphy, come paint a fall scene on a designated 24inch x 18-inch section of a store window or create a chalk art on a designated section of sidewalk. All for free! Registration day of the event. Register and pick up paint supplies at the Murphy Art Center (MAC) on the corner of Peachtree and Hiwassee Streets. Prizes for best art. Open to all ages (kids and adults).
There is no admission charge and lots of good, small-town FUN!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
805 W. U.S. 64, Murphy, NC 28906 – (828) 837-2242 –